Tube TV recommendation?

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JoinedCOLONWed Feb 04, 2009 12:31 pm
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Tube TV recommendation?

Post by jasonbar » Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:52 pm


I'm looking to pick up a used tube TV, probably 21" in size (not too small but not too heavy to lug upstairs & put in a small bedroom). It needs to have an S-video input, as pretty much all of my consoles are modded for S-video. Stereo inputs & speakers are also required.

Is there any recommendation or standard for a good gaming TV to fit my needs? (For 2600, A8, INTV, TG Duo, NES, SNES, N64, SMS, Gen, Saturn, DC, 3DO, PS1, & PS2).


PS--I'm in Monterey Park, in case anybody local has one for sale/trade.

JoinedCOLONMon Dec 29, 2008 6:19 am
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Re: Tube TV recommendation?

Post by shertz » Sat Jan 05, 2013 11:07 pm

I just unloaded that beast 36" CRT TV that we use for N64 Goldeneye. Nice to get some space back in the (G)arcade ;-)

I have a few 19" - 25" TV's you can have. I dont think we use them all so I would like to unload some of them to free up space.

I also see that the Hospital I work at has been unloadoading CRT TV's to replace them with flatscreens. LMK if you are interested cause I can snag one for you.