Here's the email that got the ball rolling:
From: Robert
Subject: Re: A new place for a SC3 Revive..
Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 22:26:50 -0700
To: Geoffrey Voigt
Sounds like fun. Count me in.
Robert W.
On May 1, 2006, at 2:01 PM, Geoffrey Voigt wrote:
> Rob:
> First off, let me be thhe first to say that it does seem I send one
> of these out every 9 months or so, but I just got a phone call from
> Chris B; there's a co-worker of his that lives out in Claremont
> (heh) that has a few acres and around 20 Arcade games. He wants us,
> the former core planners, to go out and see the place on a Saturday
> this month. I'm trying to see about the 20th.
> It would just be us 3; you, Chris and myself. You can tell him
> about your experiences of hosting meets and advice.
> Chris' Addy is [redacted] if you want to mail him for more
> details.