SC3 November 9, 2024: The Backyard Awakens! The Vectrex is calling to you. Just let it in.

The November 9 SC3 event – only our second backyard party since the end of the COVID pandemic – was where everything came roaring back! Attendance at our prior two events was lower than typical, which was not surprising given one was right after COVID and the other was at a different venue. But this backyard bash was a different story, with about 200 people showing up – probably because they'd gotten wind there was going to be a Virtual Boy there. Or could they have had some other reason? In any case, read all about in our Nov. 9, 2024 Event Recap!

Thanks so much to everyone who helped out, attended, and donated! You're how SC3 is able to continue! And speaking of continuing, the next SC3 event has yet to have a firm date, but we expect it to be sometime around April of 2025. This site and our Facebook page are the places to watch for announcements.

– The SC3 Team

Next SC3 Event - November 9 in the Backyard! Your annual pre-holiday celebration

The headline says it all! The next SC3 event will take place on Saturday, November 9, from 4 p.m. to midnight, at the famous "Backyard" location in Claremont. You know it; you love it. Come enjoy the pleasant hum of 40-year-old PC monitors and timeless games! Send your RSVP today!

At this event, we are excited to announce the return of the SC3 raffle! We know you all look forward to it, and we've got a volunteer who's going to make it happen. The raffle has nearly always been handled by outside volunteers – it's amazing how many of them have come through. We're thankful to each and every one.

Now we must share one not-so-great piece of news... as anybody who has gone to a grocery store or fast-food drive-thru recently already knows, food prices are high and seem to be getting higher. Pizzas cost 150% more now than just a couple years ago. We rely on your $10 donations to keep the lights on and the food hot, and we don't want to ask you for any more. So this time there will be a meal-ticket system in place. Your meal-ticket will grant you two slices of pizza and a drink. Yeah, we don't like it either, but costs are just too high now.

Still with us? Then be sure to submit your RSVP! We look forward to seeing you November 9. In the meantime, watch this site and our Facebook page for future announcements.

– The SC3 Team

4/20 at Y2Kade: Breathe It All In! That's the last of the 4/20 jokes, we swear

After being unable to hold the Fall 2024 SC3 event due to unfortunate circumstances, we were happy to make it back on the proverbial horse and get back behind the literal joystick by returning to Y2Kade – the incredible private arcade in Cerritos. About 100 attendees arrived for the games, the socializing, and the fun. And more than a few were there for a Smash Bros. tournament. Read all about it in our April 20, 2024 event recap.

We plan to host the next SC3 event at the Claremont "Backyard" location in November, just as 2023's would have been had things worked out. Hopefully nothing will interfere with our plans this time, but as always, vigilantly monitor this site and our Facebook page for future announcements.

– The SC3 Team

Next SC3 Event: April 20, 2024 at Y2Kade in Cerritos! (Insert 4/20 joke here)

After regrettably having to cancel our fall 2023 party due to unforeseen circumstances, SC3 is excited to announce our next event: Saturday, April 20, 2024, at Y2Kade in Cerritos, from 4 p.m. to midnight. SC3 held its first Y2Kade event last year, but if you weren't able to make it, you should know that it's a privately-owned arcade featuring MANY coin-op classics from the '70s onward. This is a place where a Tank machine may be settled between Street Fighter II and a Daytona USA twin cab and somehow none of them look out of place. Most machines are in excellent condition, and there's a few pinball tables too! Sounds like heaven to us.

SC3 will round out the experience with our usual slew of home consoles that cover the first three-plus decades of video gaming history. We also plan to provide drinks and food in the form of (what else?) pizza. If you prefer to get your own food, please note: Y2Kade is in a business district; there are some restaurants in the vicinity but nothing within walking distance.

RSVPs are not required for this event, although we still appreciate your donations. Y2Kade's address is:

17411 Studebaker Rd., Unit B., Cerritos CA 90703

Online map services may show this address as "Lotus Prepared By Claudius," a neighboring business.


Y2Kade Parking Map
Click to Enlarge

Y2Kade has a parking lot, but it will be occupied by the SC3 festivities. There is no parking at Y2Kade except for Y2Kade staff and organizers. You should be able to park along the nearby streets named Business Circle. While there are many business parking lots nearby, they are private property and you should not park in them.

You may have a bit of a walk depending on how parked up Business Circle is. If you have mobility issues and have a driver, we encourage you to be dropped off at the entrance to Y2Kade's lot (labeled PEDESTRIAN ENTRANCE above), and then your driver can find parking.

Note: we know a lot of you come to SC3 for the raffle, but due to scheduling issues our raffle host is unable to make it this time. Sorry about that. People are still encouraged to bring their trade goods however!

We hope to see you on April 20! Fix your watchful eye to this site and our Facebook page for future announcements.

Nov. 11, 2023 Event: CANCELLED We regret to say it, but it's true

To Be Continued? Yes!

Although it was an EXTREMELY tough decision and we're really sorry to say it, this tiresome thing called Real Life has interfered with our plans. The Nov. 11, 2023 SC3 event has been cancelled. Circumstances outside of our control have simply made it impossible to hold an event at this time. We apologize for the late notice; we were really hoping it wouldn't come to this but unfortunately it did. Please take our word: we wouldn't have cancelled if there had been another way!

We don't have specific plans for the next SC3 event but there WILL be another one, by Spring 2024 at the latest. As always, watch this site and our Facebook page for future details.

Sorry we won't get to see you Nov. 11th. We hope you are still able to get in some gaming that weekend even without us, and have a great holiday season!

– The SC3 Team

Apr. 22, 2023: SC3 Invades Y2Kade! A hot day, hot tacos and hot games in Cerritos

Saturday, April 22, marked the SC3 debut at Y2Kade in Cerritos, a privately-owned arcade jam-packed with over 100 cabinets and pinball machines from the '70s through the '90s, Jim, the Y2Kade owner, has been routinely opening this wonderland to the public and turned to SC3 to help get the word out. So, on what felt like the hottest day of the year so far, we carted truckloads of CRT monitors and vintage consoles to Cerritos for the gaming enjoyment of over 100 attendees. And there were tacos. Read all about it in our April 22 writeup. And be sure to check out Y2Kade's Facebook page to learn when it'll be open next.

We don't have an exact schedule for the next SC3 event but if prior patterns hold, it will likely take place in November, likely at the famous Backyard location in Claremont. As always, watch this site and our Facebook page for future announcements. Until next time, keep gaming!